Category: Education System

The Education System Efficient In Public Schools?

The public schools are more of learning institutions which are federal, state or local government funded. Apart from the general elementary education since childhood, these schools offer advanced and special education to students up to the 12th standard as well as organize extracurricular or co-curricular activities. However, like every field, these public schools too have […]

Pros And Cons Of Studying In A Public School

Public schools are on the low in many countries as a consequence of State policies to move funds away from education. In this sense, the growth of a private sector to fulfill the needs of an increasing population is very visible and parents are left with the doubt about the future they want for their […]

What The Media Never Told You About Public Schools?

The media has persistently painted public schools as the weak link in an already ailing education system. This has led to more bashing of public schools without any consideration for the positive that can or has been derived from them.  In addition to their being an essential service to community, public schools bring out the […]

Why Private Schools Are Becoming More Popular?

A large number of parents are choosing to send their children to private school instead of allowing them to complete their studies in public schools. Just like everyone else you may be wondering why this is the case. In our view, we think that private schools are receiving more learners because they offer an enriched […]