Category: About

Public Schools: Fact and Fiction

While to discuss Public education system, myths and misconceptions are abound. If you are on the verge of selecting a public school for your ward, it is important that these misunderstandings are sorted so that you can pick the best school. The paragraphs underneath shall discuss the facts and fictions about public schooling system. Multiple […]

Public Education: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The majority of the public schools in America display various positive points. The public schools in the United States feature a sound academic framework and include the best of the teachers. However, as nothing in this universe is absolutely perfect, there is ought to be some shortcoming with the public schools in the US. This […]

A Comparative Analysis Between The Public Schools And The Private Schools

There has been a lot of debates on the differences between the government sponsored schools and the self-sponsored schools. Most people are of the opinion that private schools offer a higher quality of education. Others favour public schools due to factors such as free education. Teachers Motivation Learning in the public institutions is often interrupted […]

Why Do Some Countries Rank Better in Education Than The US

The USA is among the first world Nations with an excellent educational system. Over the years, USA ranks among the best in the provision of quality education. The ranking is explained by the diversification of different races all over the world going to the USA in search of this quality schooling. However, the recent statistics […]

Areas of Improvement by Public Schools

Countless challenges mar the structure of public school’s education system. It has, over the years, produced graduates, some smart and others half-baked with little to no idea or skills requires by the job market. It is, therefore, no doubt that there is something that lacks either in the curricula or resources or even the human […]

How Does Public School Curriculum Influence The Economy

Over the years, public schools have been using the same curriculum to pass knowledge to the students. This curriculum has had its challenges and successes with a striking pattern seen in the United States. Top schools in the USA record a high population of students who seek to pass their examinations and promote the American […]

Disadvantages of Wide Curriculum in Public Schools

Public schools have a tendency of adopting a nation-wide form of curricula. The curricula comprise of many subjects that a student needs to go through before he or she completes a particular class. It is these topics that cumulatively amount to one’s educational experience and whether he or she is fit for the jobs outside […]